Honest Trailers Takes on Sherlock
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Last Updated on November 4, 2016 by Stefanie Hutson
If you haven't yet seen any of Screen Junkie's “Honest Trailers”, you're missing out. They're extremely well-made, and they always seem to say what everyone else is thinking (even when you don't realize you were thinking it). And now…they've taken on Sherlock.
I loved the “but this show is more than a rehash of public domain stories from the 1890s…now, they blog!” bit and nearly lost it at “armed only with the ability to make helpful words float in thin air”. I'd also never really noticed just how often they refer to Sherlock as a high-functioning sociopath, but someone over there did a great job of tracking down multiple clips.
Anyway, if you enjoy Sherlock, or if you just like making fun of it, have a watch. It's hilarious and all too true.